Wednesday, 14 November 2012

The Adandoned Illness - a report by the Schizophrenia Commission

The Schizophrenia Commission have today published their latest report; the abandoned illness.

 The report demonstrates the need for more intervention early on and that psychological therapies such as Cognitive Behaviour Therapy can significantly help individuals who suffer with psychosis and other symptoms of mental health.

With Schizophrenia affecting more than 220,000 people in England alone this means that one in six people will have symptoms of psychosis, such as hallucinations, at some stage of their lives - it remains crucially important that we help and continue to raise awareness of what types of support is available.

The full report can be read here -

Thursday, 8 November 2012

The latest publication for family justice professionals' by the Childhood Wellbeing Research Centre

Last month saw the publication of a great research review by the Childhood Wellbeing Research Centre. It's called 'Decision-making within a child’s timeframe: An overview of current research evidence for family justice professionals concerning child development and the impact of maltreatment'.

The review brings together key research evidence in the field of child development and attachment and links this with research on time-scales, highlighting a mismatch between children's developmental needs and the delays often experienced in achieving permanence.

There are really useful summary tables detailing things such as, factors associated with future harm to children; the importance of relationships and attachment in shaping the developing brain; key time-frames for brain development; and the impact of abuse and neglect.

The document is written for Family Justice Professionals, but will be of interest to anyone keen to know more about the latest research in these areas.

The review is available in full on-line:

Dr Emma Greatbatch

Senior Clinical Psychologist

Christmas comes early…

We would like to invite all of our clients to a FREE SRA accredited CPD training event this Christmas.

The 2 hour CPD event will be taking place on Tuesday 11th December, 5.30pm – 7.30pm at the Guildhall in Saltash, Cornwall.

 Our Managing Director, Dr Sue Candy will be presenting the event; demystifying the psychological expert where she will be helping you to understand;

·         Judging the quality of your expert - ‘separating the wheat from the chaff’

·         The difference between a psychologist, a psychiatrist or a counsellor

·         Cross examination issues in respect to psychometric assessments

·         The key psychological constructs

We also invite you to join us for wine, cheese and biscuits before the training from 4.30pm at our offices directly opposite the Guildhall.

Limited places are available so please book early by emailing

We look forward to seeing you there!




Friday, 2 November 2012

Adoptive parents’ feedback group

Our Child and Parenting team are inviting adoptive parents the opportunity to join their new feedback group.

The idea of the group is that parents and psychologists can team up to share ideas and opinions on the kind of support we could usefully offer to adoptive families.
As a practice we have been involved in working with adoptive families for a long time through doing assessments and providing therapy and consultation. We hope that these feedback groups will allow us to provide even more support to adopted children and their families by finding out exactly how we can help.

If you were part of the group you would receive occasional emails from us, sharing with you our ideas about what we might be able to offer and requesting your thoughts and ideas on this, as well as any other suggestions you might have.
There may be occasional opportunities to meet together as a group to share ideas and to discuss developments in our service, but there would be no obligation to attend any such get togethers.
As a token of thanks for your input to our service, you would also receive a discount on attendance at our training events.
If you are interested in getting involved or if you have any questions please contact
There will be a limited number of places in our parents' feedback group so do get back to us as soon as you can if you're interested.